Monday, February 6, 2012

Look of the day.........Edgy catshaped smokey eye with a bright eyeliner...

This look I just came up with...and I love can change it so easy in so many ways.....Will definitly soon post a tutorial on this look......

It`s a grey/black smokey eye, extended out catshape......with a egdy bright blue eyeliner.....Here used my Blackbean as a base, but I can see it didnt really work how I wanted......
Also used some halflashes I think no.20`s from really bring out that cateye effect......

And to top it off a bright pink lip.........
Did it in the other look that I will show later with a bright red lip (didnt get the lip on picture, but next time)

This is one take of this look....will show you a little different later.......just a small change....

It was very hard to get good pictures of this look (I was in a hurry, as usual and just forgot to take photos so on some of the pictures the makeup had been on for the full day)

Also used my new hairthing that I got the other day.......Fun.......

I will soon be posting a makeup tutorial on this look check out my channel :

                                        >>>>>>Check it out here<<<<<<<<

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