Friday, June 1, 2012

Wedding preparation.....

These are the things I have to do...for the weeding.....

The list is pretty long and a lot of the things are a bit timeconsuming....

-Shower the hair the night before.......and straighten the hair....

-Pick up the dress from the taylor

-Try all the asccesories and dress and more.....

-If there is time....try out the hairstyle roughly....

-Fix the nail.....and toe nails... (if time get a pedicure at spa)

-Wax the legs and maybe arms.......

-Fix the brows..trim....plock them if needed

-Get more bobbypins....lots

-Prepare and fix makeuptable with everything that I`m gonna use for the makeup

-Do a treatment for the make them extra soft....

-pack little bag...also extra makeup..and hairpins.....

-prepare the lashes.....clean them well if dirty......

this was the days before........

on the actual day........


- Fix the it well.....and lots of hairspray........(make sure before I have enough)

- Start with the makeup.........very therely foundation work........prep and prime.....

-Get dressed and accesorized.....

-Final touches......

And then finallyyyy wedding..........

Its a very classy a old church first.......and then at the Novalityhall where we also have our shield (of the family)

So excited..........

We will see if I can maybe update you a little bit live from the wedding......


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