Thursday, January 31, 2013

One of my homework.....MakeupClass

Another homework for my much fun........
The task was to only use cold colors.......actually harder then I thought......I was so sure on some of my favourite shadows what they
Doesnt she looks soooo lovely in these super chock pink lips.....
Looove it on dear friend
We always have so much fun doing this.....and I am amazed she is just sooo patient........
Thank u my dear dear friend.....Model...
Lots of Love

1 comment:

  1. I love being your model! I learn things on your journey as well, you teach me alot in this Make Up world, and I wouldnt be as good as I am today - If it wasnt for you!!

    Love you my sweet friend, You can always count on me!

    LOvE/ Lady Pontiac
