Wednesday, June 26, 2013

In the city...makeupshopping :)

In the city doing some makeupshopping and by the time this post is up I have been to Another Sephora
This time on the Agenda was to get more for my Pro Makeupforevers Hd Foundation in a more sutible color for Swedish people.......or a lighter color overall...also since Before have a I can now mix and match to almost any blends so good......
Was also looking at,.....
The Nars desk where my main focus this time was the Nars sheer glow Foundation......
They dont have a perfect match for me so I have to get one darker and one lighter...
´thought I would get a really light and a I can do the same as with the Makeupforever Foundations......mix and match for the perfect match for anyone.....when needed.....
Also did look at a brand that hasnt really interested me at all Before...except there Porefessionsl primer....
Didnt really Think they had that much Products suitible for my skin color......but was supriced....I can tell you what ever brand we do get here in Sweden....we never get all the shades and the full ranhe of shades and colors......
Of course they only take in what most people will buy..and ina  country like Sweden thats of course lightskined Products......
But anyway back to business....they actually had a powder that suited me and a concealer...
we will see maybe on my list the next Sephors shopping Spree....:)
ALso did try something they are well famous for in the mkaeupsindustry...
and that is of corse there highlighters.......High beam for one....comes in that cute container looking like a nailpolish......
Did get loads of samples in the hunt for a perfect Highlighter..this time of course all in creme form....
But we will see...will show you much more details about whatI got and whati tried...
Probably will do a Haul/Swatch/Review video on all the new things I got recently.....
Coming up soon.....
Looove that we fibnally have Sephora :)
Lots of lOve

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