Friday, July 26, 2013

Sale on Sugarpill.......from the Expo Editon

I dont know if yóu´ll seen this and participated or not...but this was the pace to be on your computer yesterday night (for us here in Sweden anyway)
SugarPill recently participated in Pham Expo and the there sold there Pro Palette.....
That i have been wanting to get my hand on since they first open there webpage 2010......
Havent been out publicly to long...but now it is...and they have been seeling it on Imats and Phame Expo.....
(which I missed this year, was supposto go tp London....)
But anyway...they where not relizing this palette online until november this year...and I bet you they will sell out really fast...
So they gave there subscribers and IG followers and FaceBook followers and really everyone a chance to get some of the left over stuff from Phame Expo...
like there Pro Palette and some other new things thats not gonna be relized until later on...
So I was sitting all day yesterday and the night Before this for it to open...they said 11 am PST...and when I googled it to get the correct time....I got something that then was one hour off (since its summertime)....
Anyway doesnt matter....I was in there an hour Before anyway just to make sure....
Do you Think I got the 12 eyeshadow Pro Palette ???????
Stay yuned to see this.......
lots of Love

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