Saturday, January 11, 2014

New clean brushes....after a deep cleansing...

Looove to get my brushes cleaned...even its just for my own just feels soooo fresh witha  newly cleaned brush...and they get so soft...obviuolsy it depends what kind of brush it is....but oh well....

Look at my Babies drying.....

I really really looovemy brushes....for me whe I get brushes...I see them as a long time investment...thats why i normally spend a Little more Money on brushes.....Looove my Mac ones...but now latestst years also got very found of Real techniques brushes......(much cheaper).....but still great great quality....

Also really like my old Makeupstore brushes...had most of them since 2004....adn they have really lasted a loooong time....and held up sooo good.....

But they do need taken care of...thats why I take care of all my brushes as my Babies....

lots of Love


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