Tuesday, January 28, 2014

No internet on my phone, probelms uploading pic´tures....

Ohhh I had so much problems lately...computer problems I have to ad....

Because that I had problem down loading new versions of adobereader flash player and more...

So last week all of a sudden i couldnt see  single video on Youtube......couldnt upload any Pictures on my blog....

And now today......out of internet on my phone (which by the way depends on that I had to use it up to see clips o youtube there instead on my phone)

Ohhhh so many probelms sooo so frustrating....


Totally feeling it.....;)......lol...

But i did get yoututbe to work.......

Computer problems...its then u realize that u are sooo dependent by all your social inteactions and so on....

hope Everything just magicly fixes it self.......;)...

LOts of Love


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