Thursday, September 20, 2012

Cleaning my brushes.....

Time to clean my brushes.....

I use a hair schampoo for them......some of the synthestic ones I use soap....

I first rinse them through with water and then schampoo them.....workin them in to my so......(see picture above)

Then I take disposable cups and por a little schampoo in each one of them....then I take some simular brushes (could be the same colors/dark and light or/and face brushes) and put  afew in the same cup....give it a wisk around...and let them stand a while......
depending on how dirty and what I am doing......

After they sat there a while I take one brush at a time and rince under warm water......also press them in to my hand for resistance the same way as before to get all the pigment of eyeshadow off......

Then I rinse again and take one brush at a time and rap in a napkin that I fould a certain it stays in shape (very importand or it could dry with the brissels the wrong could loose shape)
Also NEVER ever let the brushes stand and dry...the water will then dripple down the hndle and could brake the eventually losen the handle and destroy it.........
I rap them separatly in tissue and then I rape everyone of them in a a parcel.....
Works for me.....they stay in shape and turn out clean 

How is your cleaing brushes routine??
If any.....
Please let me know always fun to hear.....
Enjoy :)

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