Tuesday, January 14, 2014

My new Secret Camouflage Concealer

This is my Lovely new Laura Mercier Secret Camoflaouge Concealer......Heard sooo many good things aboutit so I had to get my hands on it....

It comes in this wonderful duo...thats just perfect for anyone.....so you can custome mix your own shade....

I have tried this a couple of times now.....and I really like it....I use both sides...first the Little darker side and on me I use this for Correcting more or less....and then use the other side to brighten my under Eye area......

At first I thought that it was to light for me...cause I only picked it out by looking online and  Calling my Laura Mercier counter asking them to compare with Macs concealers counter next to them....lol...hiihihi...

My shade was 5....I totally thought it was too Bright at first...but perfect match actually....maybe not in the summertime...but just have to mix in a darker one then....

What it says about it online :

Concists of a 2-toned system...one to match the scin color depth and one to match the skins undertone....This system makes it possible to mix and match until you get your perfect shade for you.... Also says that wsince it is very highly pigmented only need a small small amount to cover any imperfections, darkness or so on....

Using it on these Pictures...maybe not the best Pictures....but hey just so you get an idea....

I have Heard Amazing things about this concealer....and I must say I have pretty high standard thinking when it comes to concealer....I really really looove my Mac Studio finish one....but I must say it comes pretty Close in terms of resultes......but will get back to you kater on this Product...

Products like this that are very highly pigmented are usually very Amazing.....cause you need so Little and it makes the World of difference......:)....

So far really looovin it.....have to play a Little more even.....I am proably gonna get it for my kit...:)...

I know its  a bit more pricy...(at lest here)...but its really Worth it.....cause its so highly pigmented and you only need such a small amount ever time....:)

Have you tried it?

Lots of lOve


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